Southwerk Generation

The first turbogenerator was placed into service in 1947 and operations continued until 1996 when the station was closed. Construction was delayed due to the war, however, demand increased and in 1944, permission was granted, construction was resumed on Southwark. Southwark would bring 169,000 kilowatts onto the lines in 1947, and another 169,000 in 1948. Architect Paul Cret was awarded the contract to design the sprawling Southwark station along the Delaware River. Connected to the grid by three 66,000 underground lines, two to Schuylkill and through Delaware Station to Westmoreland. 

This explore was amazing for us for so many reasons, you just can not begin to understand just how massive these buildings are. We explored for over 5 hours and I really do not think we saw all of it. Everywhere we look was another passage to go down, another floor, and another little room off in the corner. This was also our first experience with scrappers, you can hear them throughout the video banging away at something. Thankfully we had no issues with them, and I guess they not with us. Until next time explorers, stay safe.


Mahanoy Township High School


BOMARC Missile Site